Innovit Labs

Elementor #11751

Transforming Healthcare Recruitment with JobOn

Category: Healthcare Recruitment

Services Provided:

  • Recruitment Platform Implementation.
  • Automation of Resume Review.
  • Candidate Evaluation Enhancement

Client’s Requirement

The client, Chance-Guru, a job portal specifically for the media industry, needed a streamlined platform to enhance the recruitment process for film and theatre productions. Their goal was to develop a user-friendly system that would allow producers and talent acquisition agencies to create projects, list job roles, review applications, and communicate with candidates effectively. The platform also needed features for in-app messaging and interview scheduling to simplify the hiring workflow.


Reduction in Time to Hire


Recruiter Engagement Rate


Candidate Satisfaction

Challenges Faced:

Complex Recruitment Needs

The traditional methods used by recruiters in the media industry were inefficient, causing delays in the hiring process.

Disjointed Communication

Without a unified platform, communication between recruiters and candidates was fragmented and often led to misunderstandings.

Tracking Hiring Progress

Lack of a proper tracking system made it challenging for recruiters to monitor the progress of their hiring processes effectively.

Key Features:

Project Creation and Role Listing

Enabled recruiters to create projects for films and plays, and list job roles in the form of characters, making it easier to organize and manage the hiring process.

Efficient Application Review

Implemented a system for recruiters to review applications and shortlist candidates efficiently, reducing the time spent on manual reviews.

Seamless Communication

Introduced an in-app messaging system that allows recruiters to communicate directly with applicants, ensuring all interactions are centralized and easily accessible.

Interview Scheduling

Developed an interview scheduling module that simplifies the process of setting up and conducting interviews, ensuring smooth and timely interactions between recruiters and candidates.


The development of Chance-Guru led to a substantial 50% reduction in the time to hire, significantly speeding up the recruitment process. Recruiter engagement on the platform increased to 75%, demonstrating the effectiveness and user-friendliness of the system. Additionally, candidate satisfaction improved to 80%, highlighting the positive impact of streamlined application processes and enhanced communication features.

Technology Stack Utilized

Project management and role listing tools.

Application review and management systems

In-app messaging platform

Interview scheduling software

Resources Required

UX/UI designers

Web developers

Media recruitment specialists

Technology Stack


The Chance-Guru platform successfully transformed the recruitment process for the media industry by providing a comprehensive and user-friendly solution. With significant improvements in time to hire, recruiter engagement, and candidate satisfaction, this project underscores the importance of integrating advanced tools and streamlined processes to achieve remarkable recruitment efficiency and effectiveness. Continuous innovation and focus on user experience are essential for sustaining competitiveness in the fast-paced media industry.

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