Innovit Labs

Transforming Healthcare Staffing with JobOn: A Recruitment Revolution

Category: Recruitment Platform

Services Provided:

  • Recruitment Platform Implementation.
  • Automation of Resume Review.
  • Candidate Evaluation Enhancement

Client’s Requirement

The client, a healthcare staffing agency, faced significant challenges in their recruitment process. Their traditional methods were slow and inefficient, leading to long hiring times and difficulty in sourcing qualified candidates. They needed a robust solution to streamline candidate sourcing, manage applications effectively, and improve overall recruitment efficiency. The goal was to build a comprehensive recruitment platform that would simplify job searches for candidates, facilitate resume reviews, enable exam scheduling, and implement a referral system for candidate incentives.


Increase in Candidate Placements


Recruiter Satisfaction Rating


Accuracy in Resume Matching

Challenges Faced

Complex Recruitment Process

The client’s traditional recruitment methods were slow and cumbersome, leading to prolonged hiring times. 

Overwhelming Resume Management

Managing and reviewing a large number of resumes was inefficient and time-consuming. 

Fragmented Tools

The absence of a unified platform made it difficult to streamline candidate sourcing and application management.

Key Features

We created a user-friendly job search and application process, making it simple for candidates to find and apply for jobs. 

Expert Resume Reviews

Introduced a feature where experts and admins can review resumes, helping candidates improve their profiles and stand out. 

Convenient Exam Scheduling

Developed a module that allows candidates to schedule and attend offline tests, with recruiters providing on-site evaluations. 

Rewarding Referral System

Implemented a referral system where candidates can earn commissions by referring others, adding an incentive for network growth.


The implementation of JobOn led to a remarkable 22% increase in successful candidate placements, allowing the agency to meet its staffing needs more efficiently. Recruiter satisfaction improved significantly, reaching 87%, which highlighted the enhanced user experience and more effective recruitment processes. Additionally, the platform reduced the average time required to fill positions by 40%, enabling the agency to onboard qualified candidates much faster.

Technology Stack Utilized

Job search optimization tools

Resume review and management systems

Exam scheduling software

Referral system integration

Resources Required

UX/UI designers

Web developers

Recruitment process specialists

Technology Stack


The development and implementation of JobOn significantly optimised the client’s recruitment process, leading to more successful candidate placements, higher recruiter satisfaction, and substantial cost savings. This project demonstrates the critical importance of a user-friendly and comprehensive recruitment platform in transforming hiring efficiency and achieving outstanding results. Continuous improvement and leveraging innovative tools are essential for maintaining a competitive edge in the recruitment industry.

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