Innovit Labs

Streamlining E-commerce Checkout: A Success Story

Category: E-commerce

Services Provided:

  • Checkout Process Optimization.
  • User Experience Enhancement.
  • Payment Options Expansion

Client’s Requirement

Agrihopper, an international dropshipping platform, required a seamless integration with Shopify stores to enhance the user experience for both vendors and dropshippers. The goal was to create a robust solution that would allow vendors worldwide to list their inventory, manage orders efficiently, and integrate with third-party shipping providers. Additionally, the platform needed to offer features such as inventory management, order fulfilment from the closest vendor warehouses, and a credit system for pricing in both vendor and dropshipper dashboards.


Reduction in Order Fulfilment Time


Increase in Vendor Listings


User Satisfaction Rate

Challenges Faced:

Complex Integration Process

Initially, integrating with multiple Shopify stores and third-party shipping providers was cumbersome and time-consuming.

Inefficient Order Management

Handling a large volume of orders without a streamlined system led to delays and errors.

Limited Vendor Reach

Without a user-friendly platform, attracting and retaining vendors from various regions was challenging.

Key Features

One-Click Shopify Integration

Simplified the process of connecting Shopify stores to the platform, making it easy for users to start dropshipping quickly.

Global Inventory Listing

Enabled vendors from around the world to list their products, expanding the product variety and availability for dropshippers.

Comprehensive Inventory Management

Developed tools for vendors to manage their inventory efficiently, reducing stockouts and overstock situations.

Advanced Order Management

Introduced an in-depth analysis feature for order management, allowing users to track and manage orders seamlessly.


The implementation of Agrihopper resulted in a 55% reduction in order fulfilment time, significantly speeding up the delivery process. The platform saw a 70% increase in vendor listings, reflecting its enhanced appeal and functionality. User satisfaction reached 80%, indicating a positive reception and improved user experience. Additionally, the integration of third-party shipping providers and the proximity-based fulfilment algorithm ensured reliable and timely deliveries, further boosting user trust and satisfaction.

Technology Stack Utilized

Shopify integration tools

Inventory and order management systems

Shipping and courier integration software

Resources Required

UX/UI designers

Web developers

Supply chain and logistics specialists

Technology Stack


The development and implementation of Agrihopper significantly streamlined the dropshipping process, making it easier for vendors to list their products and for dropshippers to manage their orders. The platform’s innovative features, such as one-click Shopify integration and proximity-based order fulfilment, contributed to substantial improvements in efficiency and user satisfaction. This project underscores the importance of a comprehensive and user-friendly dropshipping platform in enhancing global e-commerce operations and achieving remarkable results. Continuous innovation and leveraging advanced technologies are crucial for maintaining competitiveness in the dropshipping industry.

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